CESDb > Structural Analysis
Listing 191 Structural Analysis Software...
1•2•Build Version:2.03 · Hit:1254

Predesign of 2D Frames In Steel, Concrete or Timber

1•2•Build is the ideal software to easily design beams, columns and simple 2D structures in steel, concrete of timber.

2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition Version:2.0 · Hit:3946
2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition

Dynamic Frame Analysis

2D Frame Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (beam elements) in order to perform static and dynamic analysis of beams, frames and trusses.

2D Frame Analysis Static Edition Version:2.0 · Hit:6191
2D Frame Analysis Static Edition

Static Frame Analysis

2D Frame Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (beam elements) in order to perform static analysis of beams, frames and trusses.

2D Truss Analysis Version:2.0 · Hit:9751
2D Truss Analysis

Truss Analysis

2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform static analysis of trusses.

A3C: ArcelorMittal Columns Calculator Version:2.99 · Hit:2036
A3C: ArcelorMittal Columns Calculator

ArcelorMittal-CTICM Columns Calculator

The A3C software allows the designer to perform the detailed verification of a single steel member or a composite steel-concrete column according to the rules of the Eurocodes.

ABC: ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator Version:3.51 · Hit:2651
ABC: ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator

Calculation of Steel, Partially Encased, Composite, or Integrated Beams

ABC: ArcelorMittal Beams Calculator is a free pre-design tool for use in designing a variety of steel and composite structures such as portal frames, beam and column structures, trusses, and column-beam connections.

ACB: ArcelorMittal Castellated Beams Version:4.0 · Hit:1298
ACB: ArcelorMittal Castellated Beams

Predesign of Steel or Composite Cellular Beams with Circular Openings

Predesign of steel or composite cellular beams with circular openings in cold and fire conditions.

ACoP: ArcelorMittal Connection Program Version:1.0.2 · Hit:1605
ACoP: ArcelorMittal Connection Program

Connection Design According ENV 1993

CoP (Connection Program) is a software to design joints between open sections in steel building frames according to ENV 1993 (Eurocode 3).

ACP: ArcelorMittal Construction Phase Version:1.0.2 · Hit:1772
ACP: ArcelorMittal Construction Phase

Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams

ArcelorMittal Construction Phase ACP for composite solutions to check the LTB behaviour of composite and/or partially encased beams during erection.

ADAPT-ABI Version:2019 · Hit:464

Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design

Practical analysis and design of a variety of prestressed concrete bridge structures complete with moving load generation, construction sequencing and international code support.

ADAPT-FELT Version:2017 · Hit:363

Complete Calculation of Losses in Prestressed Tendons

Easily layout tendons and calculate short and long term losses due to friction, elongation, creep, shrinkage and elastic shortening in accordance with ACI Committee 423.

ADAPT-PT/RC Version:2019.1 · Hit:442

Streamlined Design of Post-Tensioned Beams and Slabs

Straightforward investigation and optimization of reinforced concrete and post-tensioned beams and slabs in accordance to a variety of international design standards.

ADC Version:8.4 · Hit:3551

Analysing and Designing Reinforced Concrete Beams

Structural design software for analysing and designing reinforced concrete beams, slabs, columns and piles.

AdSec Version:8.4 · Hit:1437

Analyse Sections Under Load

AdSec is ideal for tasks such as analysing a bridge beam for cracking under load, designing a composite mega column, checking a pre-stressed floor or finding the capacity of a pile.

AndTruss2D Version:1.8 · Hit:2907

Linear Static Analysis Of Plane Trusses

AndTruss2D is a useful application for linear static analysis of plane trusses with the Finite Element Method.

Angelina Version:4.04 · Hit:1004

Steel and Composite Castellated Beams with Sinusoidal Openings

Predesign of steel and composite castellated beams with sinusoidal openings in normal and fire situation.

ANSRuop Version:3.3 · Hit:1964

static & dynamic, linear & non-linear analysis of structures

The ANSRuop computer program is specialized structural analysis software, designed for scientific research as well as to aid practicing engineers.

Arch3D Version:2023 · Hit:197

Behavior of 3D Arches

Arch3D makes it possible to determine the resistant capacity of compressed and flexed arches with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling.

ArchPlane2D Version:2023 · Hit:100

Plane Beahvior Of Arch With Geometric Imperfection

ArchPlane2D makes it possible to determine the resistant capacity of compressed and flexed arches with a double tee section, susceptible to buckling in their plane.

ASCE702S Version:1.3 · Hit:2779

Analysis Of Snow Loading Per Asce 7-02 Code

ASCE702S is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of flat roof snow loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-02 Code.

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Top Downloads

48018 hitsLTBeam v1.0.11

LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.

26278 hitsFTOOL v4.0

Ftool provides a simple analysis program that merges, in the same interface, resources for effective creation and manipulation of the model, linked to a fast and effective code for visualization of the results.

19145 hitsBASEPLT9 v3.7

BASEPLT9 is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base plates.

18420 hitsEBPlate v2.01

EBPlate is a piece of software developed by CTICM with a partial funding of the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). It assesses the critical stresses associated to the elastic buckling of plates loaded in their plan.

16055 hitsBEAMANAL v2.5

BEAMANAL is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of single-span beams (simple, propped, fixed, or cantilever) and continuous beams of up to 5 spans.

Recent Comments
Satrio Chanel
Satrio Chanel· 28 Dec 2024
Why aplication not reply...
Althea Amantillo
Althea Amantillo· 9 Nov 2024
May I ask what is the password in excel so that I can see the functions?...
Buhle Hlophe
Buhle Hlophe· 20 May 2024
Is there anyway one could get the password to the VBA side of this software?I would like to dissect the me...
Mengwu Sa
Mengwu Sa· 2 Feb 2024
Hi, Joris Moen, how did you make it normally...? I ran into the same error 481, also I ran it as administrator, win ...
Ramon Lozada
Ramon Lozada· 10 Nov 2023
How can you ensure that the excel sheet with the mitcalc if free of malicoius code?...