CESDb > Structural Analysis
Listing 191 Structural Analysis Software...
ASCE702W Version:2.1 · Hit:5393

Analysis Of Wind Loading Per Asce 7-02 Code

ASCE702W is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of wind loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-02 Code.

ASCE705I Version:1.1 · Hit:3081

Analysis Of Ice Loading On Structural Steel Per Asce 7-05 Code

ASCE705I is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of determining ice loading due to freezing rain on structural steel members per the ASCE 7-05 Code.

ASCE705S Version:1.7 · Hit:2379

Analysis Of Snow Loading Per Asce 7-05 Code

ASCE705S is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of flat roof snow loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-05 Code.

ASCE705W Version:1.4 · Hit:7854

Wind Loading Analysis Per The Asce 7-05 Code

ASCE705W is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of wind loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-05 Code.

ASDIP Version:4.1.3 · Hit:1226

Structural Design Suite

Our 13-module structural suite with a broad range of design solutions required by the structural engineers of today, including concrete, steel, and masonry.

ASDIP Steel Version:4.6.5 · Hit:1984

Steel Design per the latest AISC specifications

ASDIP Steel is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of structural steel members, based on the latest AISC specifications (AISC 360), that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

ATENA Version:5.7.0 · Hit:1806

Advanced Tool for Engineering Nonlinear Analysis

Software for analysis of concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

Atlas Version:2.0 · Hit:3559

Moments and reaction forces for one-dimensional structures & beams

Atlas 2. 0 is a program targeted at architects and construction engineers.

BAP Version:3.4 · Hit:3429

Beam Analysis Program

BAP is a continuous beam analysis program that solves for reactions, shear, moment, deflection, and rotation at points along the length of the beam.

BASEPLT9 Version:3.7 · Hit:19145

Steel Column Base Plate Analysis per AISC 9th Ed

BASEPLT9 is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base plates.

Beam Column Imperfection Version:2023 · Hit:162
Beam Column Imperfection

Movements, Forces, And Load-Carrying Capacity Of Compressed And Flexural Elements

Application allows to determine the movements, efforts and resistant capacity of the compressed parts, leaned according to strong axis, weak and torsion with double section, capable of buckling laterally.

Beam Pro Version:8.8 · Hit:5203
Beam Pro

Continuous beam analysis program

An easy to use continuous beam analysis program for the Microsoft Windows platform.

BEAMANAL Version:2.5 · Hit:16055

Single-Span & Continuous-Span Beam Analysis

BEAMANAL is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of single-span beams (simple, propped, fixed, or cantilever) and continuous beams of up to 5 spans.

BEAMCOL9 Version:3.5 · Hit:9292

Beam-Column Design per Aisc 9th Edition ASD Manual

Beam-Column design, focusing on flexural & axial stresses, including built-up sections not classified as plate girders (per AISC 9th Edition ASD Manual)

BeamDesign Version:5168 · Hit:2762

Design Continuous Beams

This intuitive and feature rich finite element app is especially useful for civil engineers, mechanical engineers, architects and students who wish to design continuous beams.

BlasTDOF Version:0.1.3 · Hit:329

Two-Degree-of-Freedom Blast Analysis

BlasTDOF is a free-to-use two-degree-of-freedom (TDOF) blast analysis software.

BMREINF9 Version:2.0 · Hit:6107

Analysis Of Beam Reinforcement per Aisc 9th Edition ASD Manual

BMREINF9 is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis and code checking of steel members with various types of reinforcement configurations.

BOEF Version:1.6 · Hit:9589

Beam on Elastic Foundation Analysis

BOEF is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis a finite length beam with free ends supported continuously on an elastic foundation.

BoltGroup Version:2016 · Hit:2509

Eccentrically Loaded Bolt Group Shear Capacity

BoltGroup computes shear capacity of an eccentrically loaded bolted connection using LRFD instantaneous center of rotation method.

Bridge2d Version:2006 · Hit:3149

Static and Moving Load Analysis of Bridges

Builds two-dimensional bridge models and performs static and moving load analyzes. Uses GT STRUDL as a structural analysis engine.

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48018 hitsLTBeam v1.0.11

LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.

26278 hitsFTOOL v4.0

Ftool provides a simple analysis program that merges, in the same interface, resources for effective creation and manipulation of the model, linked to a fast and effective code for visualization of the results.

19145 hitsBASEPLT9 v3.7

BASEPLT9 is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base plates.

18420 hitsEBPlate v2.01

EBPlate is a piece of software developed by CTICM with a partial funding of the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). It assesses the critical stresses associated to the elastic buckling of plates loaded in their plan.

16055 hitsBEAMANAL v2.5

BEAMANAL is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of single-span beams (simple, propped, fixed, or cantilever) and continuous beams of up to 5 spans.

Recent Comments
Satrio Chanel
Satrio Chanel· 28 Dec 2024
Why aplication not reply...
Althea Amantillo
Althea Amantillo· 9 Nov 2024
May I ask what is the password in excel so that I can see the functions?...
Buhle Hlophe
Buhle Hlophe· 20 May 2024
Is there anyway one could get the password to the VBA side of this software?I would like to dissect the me...
Mengwu Sa
Mengwu Sa· 2 Feb 2024
Hi, Joris Moen, how did you make it normally...? I ran into the same error 481, also I ran it as administrator, win ...
Ramon Lozada
Ramon Lozada· 10 Nov 2023
How can you ensure that the excel sheet with the mitcalc if free of malicoius code?...