CESDb > Spreadsheet
Listing 72 Spreadsheet Software...
ConcreteCost Estimator for Excel Version:15 · Downloads:5499
ConcreteCost Estimator for Excel

Concrete Cost Estimating

Build accurate insurance concrete construction estimates while saving time and money.

Creep and Shrinkage Version:1.0 · Downloads:1156
Creep and Shrinkage

Creep and Shrinkage Solver by Eurocode No 2

Spreadsheet solver for concrete creep and shrinkage according to Eurocode No 2.

DECKSLAB Version:1.4 · Downloads:12714

Slab on Metal Deck Analysis & Design

Slab on metal deck analysis and design (both composite and form deck) per SDI and ACI 318-99.

DEWATER Version:1.0 · Downloads:213

Construction Dewatering Design Including Settlements On Neighborhood Buildings

This Excel spreadsheet refers to the dewatering design during construction and calculates the settlements of neighboring buildings.

Distribution of Releasing Moments Version:1.01 · Downloads:1806
Distribution of Releasing Moments

Differential Temperature Effects on a Continuous Beam

This spreadsheet calculates the secondary effects (bending moments and shear forces) produced by the releasing moment from differential temperature effects on a continuous beam.

Duometrix Version:2.0 · Downloads:795

Scientific and Engineering Unit Converter

Duometrix is a set of two programs - an Excel Add-in and a Windows Standalone - that convert units for students, scientists and engineers.

Effective Span Version:1.02 · Downloads:1914
Effective Span

Effective Span of Plate Girder with no Bearing

The effective span and maximum bearing pressure for a plate girder with no specific bearing is calculated in accordance with BD 56/10 clause 16 and Figure 16. 1A

ELLEA1 Version:0.96 · Downloads:2602

Pavement Analysis Tool

ELLEA1 performs real time computation of stresses, strains and displacements in a layered elastic half-space due to two uniformly loaded circular areas applied at the surface

FOOTINGS Version:3.7 · Downloads:10621

Rectangular Spread Footing Analysis

FOOTINGS is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of rigid rectangular spread footings with up to 8 total piers, and for either uniaxial or biaxial resultant eccentricities.

FRAME Version:1.1 · Downloads:9969

Portal and Gable Rigid Plane Frame Analysis

FRAME is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of plane frame analysis of portal and gable rigid plane frames subjected to various types of loading.

GoBeam Version:2019 · Downloads:12884

Continuous Beam Analysis for Excel

The easiest and most straight forward continuous beam analysis program available.

GRDSLAB Version:1.9 · Downloads:15611

Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis

GRDSLAB is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of concrete slabs on grade.

IBC2009E Version:1.1 · Downloads:6096

Analysis of Seismic Loading per IBC2009 Code

Analysis of seismic loading per IBC2009 Code (and ASCE 7-05), using Equivalent Lateral Force method.

Influence Line Diagrams Version:1.05 · Downloads:7124
Influence Line Diagrams

Influence Line Diagrams for Single or Multispan Decks

Influence Line diagrams for bending moments at critical sections in a single or multi-span continuous beam.

Influence Lines Version:2018 · Downloads:2985
Influence Lines

Influence Lines In Continuous Beams

This spreadsheet computes influence lines of bending moment and shear force for the sections of continuous beams.

Line Beam Analysis for Moving Vehicle Loads Version:2.04 · Downloads:3116
Line Beam Analysis for Moving Vehicle Loads

BS 5400, BD 21 and BD 86

Abnormal Load Vehicles, HB Vehicles, BD21 Annex D Vehicles and BD86 STGO Vehicles are analysed as moving loads across a single or multi-span continuous line beam to determine critical bending moments and shear forces.

Line Beam Analysis for Static Loads Version:1.06 · Downloads:4056
Line Beam Analysis for Static Loads

Analysis for Static Loads and Settlement at Supports

Calculates bending moments and shear forces for loads on a single span or continuous multi-span beam using the moment distribution method.

LRFDShear Version:2006 · Downloads:1166

AASHTO LRFD Shear Capacity Of Concrete Section

LRFDShear Computes ultimate capacity of reinforced/prestressed concrete members subjected to combined action of shear, flexure, torsion and axial forces.

MEXE Analysis Version:1.09 · Downloads:1747
MEXE Analysis

Mexe Analysis To Bd 21/01 And Ba 16/97 For Single Span Masonry Arch

The modified MEXE analysis to BD 21/01 and BA 16/97 for single span masonry arch with option for axle lift-off.

MITCalc Version:1.76 · Downloads:1808

Mechanical, Industrial and Technical Calculations

MITCalc is the mechanical, industrial and technical calculations package. This professionally multi-language prepared package includes solutions for gearings, belt and chain drives, bearings, springs, beams, shafts, bolt joints and many others.

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Bridge Design Contest is a nationwide Internet-based competition intended to promote math, science, and technology education in US. West Point Bridge Designer provides you with the tools to model, test, and optimize a steel highway bridge.

48018 hitsLTBeam v1.0.11

LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.

26278 hitsFTOOL v4.0

Ftool provides a simple analysis program that merges, in the same interface, resources for effective creation and manipulation of the model, linked to a fast and effective code for visualization of the results.

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ETABS is the solution, whether you are designing a simple 2D frame or performing a dynamic analysis of a complex high-rise that utilizes non-linear dampers for inter-story drift control.

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From its 3D object based graphical modeling environment to the wide variety of analysis and design options completely integrated across one powerful user interface, SAP2000 has proven to be the most integrated, productive and practical general purpose structural program on the market today.

Recent Comments
Althea Amantillo
Althea Amantillo· 9 Nov 2024
May I ask what is the password in excel so that I can see the functions?...
Buhle Hlophe
Buhle Hlophe· 20 May 2024
Is there anyway one could get the password to the VBA side of this software?I would like to dissect the me...
Ramon Lozada
Ramon Lozada· 10 Nov 2023
How can you ensure that the excel sheet with the mitcalc if free of malicoius code?...
ken lagergren
ken lagergren· 11 Aug 2023
Had trouble getting it to work. Followed web links and found it is from RUSSIA! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!...
Ian OBrien
Ian OBrien· 11 Apr 2023
When using the Composite Deck tab, does the software indicate the required amount of steel or do a steel check?...