CESDb > Surveying > Copan Pro
Copan Pro screenshot
VERSION :12.02
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1220
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that Copan Pro is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

Copan Pro is a very functional and user-friendly desktop / netbook geomatics engineering tool for computing and managing plane land survey coordinates and for drafting and plotting survey maps and plans / plats.


  • Encompasses all the capabilities of Copan Lite: COGO, field and map calculations, coordinate transformations, import/export capabilities, and other functions.
  • Includes numerous Drawing Tools:
  • Processes Leica digital level GSI data.
  • Converts Leica Sets of Angles GSI files directly to IOB format.
  • Shares drawing files with Copan Pro+DWG an edition of Copan that exports data to AutoCAD DWG files.

While there is no fee for trying Copan Pro, to unlock it you must request a key. Once you install and agree to the conditions of use, the license will last for up to 30 days.

* Copan Pro download link provides trial version of the software.

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