CESDb > Surveying > Copan Pro For Android
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SOFTWARE :Copan Pro For Android
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:647
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that Copan Pro For Android is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

Copan Pro for Android is a hand-held geomatics engineering tool for computing and managing plane land survey coordinates.


  • Calculate Inverse, Traverse, and Intersections with Coordinate Geometry (COGO) functions.
  • Processes and adjusts field traverse survey data.
  • Performs map/deed closure checks and area calculations with Map Check.
  • Calculate circular curves.
  • Handles coordinate transformations.
  • Perform UTM / State Plane / Geographic conversion in metres, feet, and US Survey feet.
  • Supports gons (grads), degrees-minutes-seconds and quadrantal bearings.
  • Save GPS points in the coordinate file.
  • Accesses MapQuest maps if you have Internet access.
  • Coordinates are saved to files on the hand-held device's memory, SD card, or to Dropbox on the web. There is no limit to the number of coordinates or to the number of points in each coordinate file. Copan Pro coordinate files are useable with Underhill Geomatic Ltd.'s free Copan Lite software for Windows operating system and vice-versa.
  • Traverse data, Map Check data, and other user entered data may be saved to files for editing and recalculating. Additionally, results of traverse, map check, and curve calculations may be printed to files for transfer to other devices.
  • Graphics views of Coordinate Geometry, Traverse, and Map Check are shown to help you verify your data.

* Copan Pro For Android download link provides trial version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Hussain Perozi
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Copan Pro For Android has been rated 4.0 out of 5 points. A total of 2 votes cast and 1 users reviewed the software.

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