CESDb > Developers > Novo Tech Software
Novo Tech Software

Novo Tech Software is the leading developer of geotechnical engineering software solutions; we develop both desktop (for Windows) and web applications for geotechnical engineering. Our computer programs are easy to use and affordable. We offer flexible licensing and excellent support for all users.

CESDb currently lists 9 software developed by Novo Tech Software, including NovoLiq, LateralK, NovoSPT, Peysanj, NovoFormula, NovoLAB.

You can also visit developers official website https://novotechsoftware.com/ for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.

Software by Novo Tech Software
LateralK Version:4.0 · Hit:1417

Earth Pressure Analysis

LateralK is a simple software for calculating lateral earth pressure coefficients and forces behind retaining walls in static and earthquake condition based on Rankine/ Coulumb formulas and also Mononobe/ Okabe methods.

NovoBPT Version:2.0 · Hit:477

Becker Penetration Test

NovoBPT is designed for correcting raw BPT blow counts (Nb) and converting them to SPT blow counts (N60).

NovoCPT Version:4.0 · Hit:925

Cone Penetration Test Interpretation

NovoCPT is designed for processing CPT files and calculating soil parameters such as friction angle, relative density, unit weight, fines content, shear wave velocity, Gmax, clay sensitivity, OCR, undrained shear strength, soil behavior type (SBT).

NovoFormula Version:2.0 · Hit:1108

Geotechnical Correlations

Geotechnical engineers can use this software for day-to-day analysis and calculations.

NovoLAB Version:4.0 · Hit:1049

Soil Mechanics Log Drafting and Lab Test

NovoLAB is the most comprehensive geotechnical software for lab data management and borehole log drafting.

NovoLiq Version:4.0 · Hit:1673

Soil Liquefaction Analysis

This robust software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis during earthquake and supports multi-layer as well as single layer stratigraphy.

NovoSPT Version:3.0 · Hit:1318

Standard Penetration Test Correlations

NovoSPT is a unique geotechnical software designed for correlating SPT blow counts (N) to various soil properties using 300 correlations.

Peysanj Version:5.2 · Hit:1131

Bearing Capacity

Peysanj is a series of geotechnical engineering modules such as bearing capacity and settlement, pressure-meter test, plate loading test, soil liquefaction analysis, etc bundled as single software.

VisLog Version:4.0 · Hit:909

3D Soil Profile Visualization

Using VisLog, the user will be able to enter borehole information including the stratigraphy, coordinates, ground water level, etc.

Comments & Reviews
Jose Marin
Jose Marin· 26 Nov 2022
Muy interesante herramienta para agilizar los diferentes cálculos e informes geotecnicos....
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