The aim of Innovative Geotechnics is to research and develop Geotechnical Design and Analysis Software for deep foundation problems such as single piles or pile groups under lateral and vertical loads. Driven piles and bored piles are covered. Pile lateral load analysis is based on P-Y curves. Pile
CESDb currently lists 5 software developed by Innovative Geotechnics, including PileLAT, PileAXL, PileGroup, PileROC, PileSuite.
You can also visit developers official website https://pilegroups.com for software support, product updates, licenses and other information.
Behaviour Of Single Piles Under Axial Loading
PileAXL is a program that analyzes the behaviour of single piles under axial loading applied at the pile head for both onshore and offshore engineering problems.
Nonlinear Analysis of Pile Groups Under General Loading
PileGroup calculates the deformations and loads of pile groups subject to general three-dimensional loadings such as axial and lateral forces and moments applied on the pile caps.
Behaviour Of Single Piles Under Lateral Loading
PileLAT is a finite-element based program that analyzes the behaviour of single piles mainly under lateral loading based on p-y curves.
Design and Analysis for Rock Socket under Axial Loading
PileROC is a program that predicts the load settlement curve at the pile head for the piles socketed into rock based on three commonly-used methods.
Deep Foundation Analysis and Design Solutions
PileSuite is a powerful suite of software products for deep foundation analysis and design for both onshore and offshore projects.
Pile Capacity Estimation, Axial and Lateral Load Analysis
The Comprehensive Pile Foundation Analysis (Land, Bridge & Waterfront Structures) software of GEMS provides feature rich & easy-to-use program modules for pile capacity estimation, axial and lateral load analysis.
Analysis of Piles and Drilled Shafts Under Lateral Loads
LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method.
Capacity Estimation and Analysis of Offshore Piles
The Offshore Pile Foundation Analysis suite of GEMS provides easy-to-use program modules for pile capacity estimation, axially loaded pile analysis and laterally loaded pile analysis.
Pile Capacity, Design Load Estimation and Pile Group Settlement
The GEMS – Pile Group Settlement Analysis software uses modern analytical techniques based on the subsurface soil profile, pile dimensions and group geometry to estimate the pile group settlement.
Static axial capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles
The FB-Deep computer program is a Windows based program used to estimate the static axial capacity of drilled shafts and driven piles.