PileSuite is a powerful suite of software products for deep foundation analysis and design for both onshore and offshore projects. It contains four main software modules for nonlinear pile group analysis under general loading, laterally loaded single piles, axially loaded single piles and rock socket design.
The combined software suite provides an integrated program interface which allows the users to undertake comprehensive analyses for various deep foundation design problems, such as Nonlinear Pile Group under General Loading (PileGroup), Laterally Loaded Single Piles (PileLAT), Axially Loaded Single Piles (PileAXL) and Rock Socket (PileROC).
It consists of the following four main modules:
- PileLAT module for laterally loaded single piles based on p-y curves;
- PileAXL module for axiallyloaded single pileswhich estimate the geotechnical axial capacity and settlement under axial loadings for driven and bored piles;
- PileROC module for rock socket design under both axial and lateral loading conditions; and
- PileGroup module for three-dimensional nonlinear analysis of pile groups under general loading.
* PileSuite download link provides demo version of the software.
Design and Analysis for Rock Socket under Axial Loading
PileROC is a program that predicts the load settlement curve at the pile head for the piles socketed into rock based on three commonly-used methods.
Deep Foundation and Pile Design
DeepFND is a powerful interactive software for deep foundation and pile design. Axial, lateral, settlement, structural and geotechnical analysis options.
Nonlinear Analysis of Pile Groups Under General Loading
PileGroup calculates the deformations and loads of pile groups subject to general three-dimensional loadings such as axial and lateral forces and moments applied on the pile caps.
Behaviour Of Single Piles Under Axial Loading
PileAXL is a program that analyzes the behaviour of single piles under axial loading applied at the pile head for both onshore and offshore engineering problems.
Behaviour Of Single Piles Under Lateral Loading
PileLAT is a finite-element based program that analyzes the behaviour of single piles mainly under lateral loading based on p-y curves.
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