CESDb > Structural Analysis > Thickness Plot
Thickness Plot screenshot
SOFTWARE :Thickness Plot
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:159
Program Description

Thickness Plot is created to display plate elements thicknesses for flat elements selections like frames, decks and longitudinals in Femap. Why do we think it is handy? Because it displays a nice plot with properties thicknesses using text labels. The position of the label is calculated to be on top elements with same property.

The interface of the tool is very simple. The group with flat selection (like frame, deck or longitudinal) should be selected and type of data to plot. By default Font Size is set to 8pt but it is possible to change it. Angle parameters should be used when build plot for curved selections like hull. By increasing its amount of labels will decrease. Thickness Plot is a standalone tool, after installation, a shortcut appears on your desktop.

* Thickness Plot download link provides freeware version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Petro Nek
It is completely free. For commercial use too

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