CESDb > Structural Analysis > Thinwallres Open&Closed
Thinwallres Open&Closed screenshot
SOFTWARE :Thinwallres Open&Closed
DEVELOPER :Antonio Agüero
FILE SIZE :Web Application
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:237
Program Description

Thinwallres Open&Closed application allows to determine the resistance capacity of open and closed thin-walled sections. Determine the elastic and plastic stress state under a combination of stresses and their resistance capacity and for a set of combinations in the form of an interaction diagram. The plastic use of the sections allows optimization by reducing the cost of the structures.

Background theory:
New interaction formula for the plastic resistance of I- and H-sections under combinations of bending moments My, Ed, Mz, Ed and bimoment B Ed. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2020.11.059

Antonio Agüero developed the program according to the theory.(anagra@mes.upv.es)
Fernando Gimenez developed the user friendly interface.

* Thinwallres Open&Closed download link provides freeware version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Antonio A
Software for the design of open and closed thin walled sections elastic and plastic behavior. Takes into account axial and shear forces, bending moments, bimoment, torsional moment Saint venant and warping. Draws 3d sketch of elastic normal and shear stresses and von misses stress that can be rotated. Draws also plastic interaction diagrams up to 10 combinations taking into account the 8 internal forces (to draw the diagrams it takes about 5 five minutes). the help for more information

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Thinwallres Open&Closed has been rated 4.7 out of 5 points. A total of 16 votes cast and 1 users reviewed the software.

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