Analysis and design of complex mat foundations and combined footings.Use this focused tool for an easier and more powerful way to model foundations. General FEA tools (like VisualAnalysis) can do a lot, but this is faster and smarter about the foundation-specific engineering.
- Mat foundation analysis and design
- Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates
- Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns
- Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties
- Holes in mats
- Combined footings
- Wall footings
- Walls, grade beams, columns (for loading or stiffness)
- Improved! Pile supports with elastic stiffness, optional tension-only or compression-only
- Thickened pile caps
- Unlimited model size
- Support for codes: IBC, ASCE 7, ACI 318,
- Automated FEA meshing and soil-spring supports
- Sophisticated thick-plate finite element formulation
- Import & Export DXF files
- Import & Export with VisualAnalysis
- Improved usability: easy graphics and toolbar commands
- Template projects for jump-starting new projects with similar features
* VisualFoundation download link provides trial version of the software.
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