CESDb > Geotechnical Engineering > Dartis Classification Suite
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SOFTWARE :Dartis Classification Suite
VERSION :2.0.0
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:668
Program Description

Dartis Soil Classification Suite helps you process lab test data and prepare professional reports. Mainly with purpose of engineering soil classification. You can quickly set up a borehole and it’s samples in Dartis Soil Lab and start entering your Lab data. Dartis Soil Classification Suite will do the calculations.

AASHTO and USCS soil classifications for a soil sample will be determined by Dartis Soil Classification Suite when sieve test data is entered. Explore the extensive features of Dartis Soil Classification Suite and download a trial version today.


  • Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Contentof Soil and Rock by Mass - D-2216
  • Particle-size Analysis of Soils - D-422
  • Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit - D-4318
  • Classification of Soils and Soil-aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes (AASHTO) - D-3282
  • Classification of Soils andSoil-aggregate Mixtures for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) - D-2487

* Dartis Classification Suite download link provides trial version of the software.

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